Shopping guide

To buy noni products at Huong Thanh Noni, you can choose one of the methods below:

Option 1: Buy directly at the store


  • Address: 27/24 Nguyen Binh Khiem, Ward 1, Go Vap District, HCMC, Viet Nam.
  • Or buy at our stores nationwide.

Option 2: Call directly via hotline (028) 39851055 or (028) 39854855 to order

Option 3: Order online on Huong Thanh’s website following the instructions below:

  • Step 1: Visit the website At the home page or product section, click on the product you want to buy.
  • Step 2: Once you have identified the product you want to buy, click to view details and place an order.
  • Step 3: Select the order item to add the goods to the cart, see the quantity of your selected goods. Enter your shipping address and form of payment to complete your order.

When you have placed an order, Huong Thanh Noni’s staff will call to exchange, confirm information and close the order with you.

You can also see our Payment Policy section to understand more details. Details about the process of ordering and paying at Huong Thanh Noni